A Christ-Centered & Friendly Roman Catholic Community



Welcome to Christ The King Catholic Church, located near historic downtown High Point, NC. We are a growing and active Catholic community with a long and culturally diverse history. From our humble beginnings as a mission church to serve the African-American Catholics in 1940, our parish has grown to be a vibrant witness to the Gospel of Life.


Sunday Eucharist is the heart of our parish community as it gives us life, strengthens us and calls us to holiness. We are committed to Catholic education and teaching of our faith through our Youth ministry and in our lifelong Faith Formation Program.



Message from Fr. Joe



Brothers and Sisters in Christ,


This week we come to a wedding in Cana where Jesus reveals Divine power by transforming water into wine. The Bible begins with the wedding of Adam and Eve in the garden (Gn. 2:23-24), and ends with another, the marriage supper of the Lamb (Rv. 19:9, 21:9, 22:17).


Throughout the Bible, marriage is the symbol of the Covenant relationship between God and His chosen people. God, as the Bridegroom, is always faithful to His people as His beloved bride. The theme of God’s fidelity is seen in today’s readings when Isaiah visualized the return of Israel from exile as a wedding feast between God and His people. Jesus’ provision of abundant wine for the wedding feast in Cana signifies that the day foreseen by Isaiah has arrived. 


By the miracle of Cana, Jesus challenges us also to enrich the empty lives of those around us with the new wine of love, mercy, concern and care.  Just as Jesus filled the empty water jars with wine, let us strive to fill our empty hearts with the new wine of the Lord.  Only when we are willing to share ourselves with others, we are able to bring God’s love and peace to the people we meet in our life.


Let us joyfully share the joy and blessings of our life with others.


Fr. Joe







Parish News



You are cordially invited to the Feast this Saturday, January 18, after the 5:00pm Mass, to celebrate New Year together as a parish family. Dinner will be served. Bring nothing except yourself and your family. 




+Saturday Vigil Mass at 5:00pm .










Tuesday through Friday-7:00AM




  • The church is open during the week for you to pray until evening.
  • Confession: 4:00pm – 4:45pm Saturday or by  appointment. Confessions will be heard in the church’s cry room.
  • May the Lord protect us!

Office Hours

Monday-Friday: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM



1. There is a second collection this weekend for a combined mission to support the churches in Latin America, in Eastern Europe, in Africa and for the US Mission. Please be as generous as you can. Thank you.

2. (For Saturday only) Please come to the feast this Saturday after the 5:00pm Mass to celebrate the New Year with renewed commitments and strong fellowship. Dinner will be served.

3. If you need a financial statement regarding your contributions of 2024 to our church for tax purposes, please call the church office. We are glad to do it for you.

4. The Knights of Columbus are selling tickets for the North Carolina State Raffle! Tickets are $5.00 each. The top prize will be $5,000.00. The drawing will be May 17th, 2025. Please see a Knight for tickets.

5. Offering envelopes of 2025 are available for you at the entrance of the church. Please check for your name. If you don’t see your name, please notify the church office.

For all other important announcements, please see the bulletin


1505 E MLK Jr. Dr.

High Point, NC 27260
