A Christ-Centered & Friendly Roman Catholic Community



Welcome to Christ The King Catholic Church, located near historic downtown High Point, NC. We are a growing and active Catholic community with a long and culturally diverse history. From our humble beginnings as a mission church to serve the African-American Catholics in 1940, our parish has grown to be a vibrant witness to the Gospel of Life.


Sunday Eucharist is the heart of our parish community as it gives us life, strengthens us and calls us to holiness. We are committed to Catholic education and teaching of our faith through our Youth ministry and in our lifelong Faith Formation Program.



Message from Fr. Joe



Brothers and Sisters in Christ,


The readings of this Sunday speak of God’s mercy and compassion. God respects our free will; and despite our repeated sins, God always gives us second chances to repent our sins and renew our lives. From the parable of the fig tree in today’s gospel, we can say that our God is not the God of punishment but rather a God of love and forgiveness. God is always patient and gives us more time for change and return to Him.


Out of love God invites us to repentance. Lent is the time for reconciliation. Reconciliation means setting ourselves right in our relationships with God and with others. Lent is a time for us to ask for forgiveness and courage so that we might bear fruit.


May God bless us all!


Fr. Joe







Parish News





Our parish’s Lenten Penance Service will be on Thursday March 27 at 7:00pm. Please come to be reconciled with God and with one another.


Every Friday during Lent, Stations of the Cross at 6:00pm followed by fish fry in the parish center.




+Saturday Vigil Mass at 5:00pm .










Tuesday through Friday-7:00AM




  • The church is open during the week for you to pray until evening.
  • Confession: 4:00pm – 4:45pm Saturday or by  appointment. Confessions will be heard in the church’s cry room.
  • May the Lord protect us!

Office Hours

Monday-Friday: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM



1. Our parish’s Lenten penance service will be this Thursday, March 27 at 7:00pm. There are several priests who will come to hear the confession. Please come to be reconciled with God and with one another.

2. Please remember to fill your Lenten rice bowls during Lent with cash or coins and bring them back to church at Easter. Also, Easter flower envelopes in memory of your loved ones are available at the entrance of the church.

3. Every Friday during Lent, the Stations of the Cross begin at 6:00pm in the church, followed by fish fry in the parish center. Please come to imitate the way of the cross and also support our parish fund raising dinner. Thank you!

4. Please continue to support our parish DSA campaign this year. Without your help, it would be difficult for us to meet our parish DSA assessment. Thank you!

5. The Knights of Columbus are selling tickets for the North Carolina State Raffle! Tickets are $5.00 each. The top prize will be $5,000.00. The drawing will be May 17th, 2025. Please see a Knight for tickets.

For all other important announcements, please see the bulletin


1505 E MLK Jr. Dr.

High Point, NC 27260
