A Christ-Centered & Friendly Roman Catholic Community



Welcome to Christ The King Catholic Church, located near historic downtown High Point, NC. We are a growing and active Catholic community with a long and culturally diverse history. From our humble beginnings as a mission church to serve the African-American Catholics in 1940, our parish has grown to be a vibrant witness to the Gospel of Life.


Sunday Eucharist is the heart of our parish community as it gives us life, strengthens us and calls us to holiness. We are committed to Catholic education and teaching of our faith through our Youth ministry and in our lifelong Faith Formation Program.



Message from Fr. Joe



Brothers and Sisters in Christ,


Advent is a time of waiting and longing for the coming of our Lord.  It is also a time to purify our hearts for the coming of the Lord into our lives.  During Advent we prepare ourselves to welcome Jesus into the world and into our life. It is indeed a season of hope and of joy for the Lord will come to liberate us from the power of darkness and of sin as prophet Jeremiah prophesies in the first reading.


Therefore, let us put our hope and trust in the coming of the Lord. There is no reason for us to be frightened like many people when the Lord Jesus comes again in glory, not only to judge the world, but also bring us salvation. If we are not living in darkness, if we are living in faith and union with God, then “When these signs begin to happen, stand erect and raise your heads for your redemption is at hand” (Luke 21:28).


May God bless us all!


Fr. Joe



Parish News


Welcome to Advent! It is a time for us to purify our hearts to be ready to welcome Jesus into our lives.




+Saturday Vigil Mass at 5:00pm .












Tuesday through Friday-7:00AM




  • The church is open during the week for you to pray until evening.
  • Confession: 4:00pm – 4:45pm Saturday or by  appointment. Confessions will be heard in the church’s cry room.
  • May the Lord protect us!

Office Hours

Monday-Friday: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM



  1. Please remember that the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary next Sunday has been moved to Monday, December 09. It is a Holyday of Obligation. There will be three Masses: 7:00am, 12:00noon and 7:00pm in Spanish.
  1. Please continue to support our sister parish in Hendersonville, NC.    Without your help, we are unable to respond to their needs. Please make checks available to our parish and clearly marked for “Our sister parish.” Thank you for your generosity!
  1. Please remember that this Sunday is the deadline to support our parish Christmas gifts program to help mothers and babies at New Life Family Outreach Center. Please bring your unwrapped gifts to church and place them in the box at the entrance of the church. Thank you!
  1. The Christ the King Council of the Knights of Columbus is providing FREE winter coats for children in need of them. The coats are distributed this weekend of December 1st.

For all other important announcements, please see the bulletin


1505 E MLK Jr. Dr.

High Point, NC 27260
