Welcome to Christ The King Catholic Church, located near historic downtown High Point, NC. We are a growing and active Catholic community with a long and culturally diverse history. From our humble beginnings as a mission church to serve the African-American Catholics in 1940, our parish has grown to be a vibrant witness to the Gospel of Life.
Sunday Eucharist is the heart of our parish community as it gives us life, strengthens us and calls us to holiness. We are committed to Catholic education and teaching of our faith through our Youth ministry and in our lifelong Faith Formation Program.
Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Today’s readings invite us to examine our stewardship. A poor widow in the first reading who had barely enough food for herself and her son welcomed the prophet Elijah, offered all her food to him and received a reward from God. Another poor widow in the gospel offered to God all that she had and Jesus declared that she has found true honor in God’s eyes. Both these poor widows gave away all that they possessed for the glory of God.
As Christians we are always aware of stewardship. Stewardship is a way of living, of being grateful to God for all the blessings we have received from Him. It’s not easy to give, but it truly brings joy. The stories of the widows teach us about how important it is to have a correct inner motive for our actions. They teach us the importance of generosity and the need to depend on God when we have nothing else. Let us surrender our lives to God with a humble and generous heart.
May God bless us all!
Fr. Joe
+Saturday Vigil Mass at 5:00pm .
Tuesday through Friday-7:00AM
Monday-Friday: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
For all other important announcements, please see the bulletin
1505 E MLK Jr. Dr.
High Point, NC 27260