A Christ-Centered & Friendly Roman Catholic Community



Welcome to Christ The King Catholic Church, located near historic downtown High Point, NC. We are a growing and active Catholic community with a long and culturally diverse history. From our humble beginnings as a mission church to serve the African-American Catholics in 1940, our parish has grown to be a vibrant witness to the Gospel of Life.


Sunday Eucharist is the heart of our parish community as it gives us life, strengthens us and calls us to holiness. We are committed to Catholic education and teaching of our faith through our Youth ministry and in our lifelong Faith Formation Program.



Message from Fr. Joe



Brothers and Sisters in Christ,


The principal message of today’s Gospel is suffering and sacrifice because Jesus himself has suffered, died and rose again to become our Savior.


Following Jesus Christ is a serious business. It is not a matter of being a member of a community. It is not a matter of observing rules and regulations. To follow Him we are to accept Jesus as the Christ, the suffering Messiah and Servant of the Lord; to put Him before everything else in the world, and to imitate His sacrificial love by dying to ourselves for the sake of Kingdom.


Let us take courage to live the Lord’s words in today’s gospel: “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross and follow me.”

May God bless us all!


Fr. Joe



Parish News





+Saturday Vigil Mass at 5:00pm .












Tuesday through Friday-7:00AM




  • The church is open during the week for you to pray until evening.
  • Confession: 4:00pm – 4:45pm Saturday or by  appointment. Confessions will be heard in the church’s cry room.
  • May the Lord protect us!

Office Hours

Monday-Friday: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM



  1. Faith Formation classes have started. Registration for faith formation continues throughout this month. Please pray for all the catechists and our children.
  1. Thanks to all who helped with the Food Pantry clean-up last Saturday. We are now ready to begin our monthly food distribution to serve the hungry.  Please check the bulletin for new and different food items needed for each month. We are so grateful for your generous support.
  1. There will be a second collection next weekend to support priests’ retirement and benefits. Our parish’s assessment is $7,354. Please consider supporting our parish DSA campaign. Thank you!
  1. The Bible Study class has started with Deacon Francis Skinner. The class is held every Tuesday at 7:00PM in the Parish Center. Please come to join us.
  1. If you are interested in becoming a Catholic, or wishing to grow in the knowledge of your Catholic beliefs, the OCIA class is for you. The class is held every Sunday after 9:30am Mass.

For all other important announcements, please see the bulletin


1505 E MLK Jr. Dr.

High Point, NC 27260
