Father Joseph Dinh

Father Joseph Dinh

Deacon Emmanuel Ukattah

Emmanuel Ukattah, Deacon

Deacon Enedino Aquino

Enedino Aquino, Deacon

From the Desk of Our Priest

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

The readings for this Sunday are all about vocation, the vocations of Isaiah, Paul and Peter. Isaiah, Peter and Paul truly tasted the bitter reality of their unworthiness. When Isaiah saw the vision of the Holy One, he cried out: “Woe is me, I am doomed! For I am a man of unclean lips, living among people of unclean lips” (Isaiah 6:5). Similar to Isaiah, Paul said: “I am the least of the apostles, not fit to be called an apostle” (1Cor. 15:9). And Peter fell at the knees of Jesus and said: “Depart from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man” (Luke 5:8).

Yes, these men had to face the bitterness of their sinful condition. However, it did not lead them to despair – to give up. Rather, it led them to a profound renewal in the power of God. Isaiah experienced a moral renewal by a burning coal being placed to his lips. Paul experienced a full conversion because of the grace of God that was with him. And Peter was empowered by Jesus to be a fisher of men.

Each of us has a vocation, a calling from the Lord. Each of us is commissioned to be an Apostle of Christ in this world. Each one of us has been given the task to bring the Good News to all. Like Isaiah, Paul and Peter, we do experience our own unworthiness. At times, we might feel afraid at the awesomeness of the task placed before us of proclaiming the Good News of salvation to others. But Jesus tells us not to be afraid. He tells us not to be afraid because he has already filled us with his Spirit and has strengthened us so that we are able to carry out his mission.

Jesus doesn’t call perfect people to be his disciples, rather he calls ordinary and imperfect persons just like you and me. All we need to do is to let the Lord renew and transform us. Yes, Jesus invites us to be his Apostles because he knows that we are capable of doing his work, of explaining the faith to those around us; he knows that we are fit for this job, and that we have all the necessary skills to do it well. With Jesus we can do great things for the Kingdom.

We are called to serve the Lord, not only to perform a job, for working in the vineyard of the Lord is our blessing and grace. If we are parents, children, doctors, priests, professors, students, workers, we are called to serve God in every way possible. We are to serve the Lord by using our gifts and talents to serve our family, our community, our brothers and sisters.

May God bless us all!

Fr. Joe


Christ the King Church was founded in 1940 to serve the African-American Catholics in High Point, and has since become a multi-ethnic parish celebrating both the diversity and unity of the Catholic faith and tradition. Then-Bishop Eugene F. McGuinness of Raleigh invited the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement of Graymoor, NY to staff the new mission in High Point in 1940. Father Bernardine Watson served as the first pastor, originally celebrating Mass in a funeral home. Through the generosity and perseverance of Father Watson and several benefactors, a clothing shop was acquired for use by the mission. While Mass continued to be celebrated there during much of 1941, the mission community members also turned their attention to building a new church and rectory on Kivett Drive. The new colonial-style church was dedicated by Bishop McGuinness Dec. 14, 1941.


During the 1940s and into the ’50s, the Christ the King parish community continued to grow. A school building and convent were built in 1949, and in 1950 the Franciscan Handmaids arrived from New York City to staff the school. The African-American communities, both Catholic and non-Catholic, of High Point, Thomasville and Greensboro were served by the new Christ the King School, which opened its doors to 50 students in September 1950. The friars continued their pastorate in High Point for the next several decades, cultivating a faith community that became continually more culturally diverse over time. A stained-glass window behind the church’s choir loft depicts that diversity, with Jesus surrounded by four individuals representing the African, Asian, European and Indian bloodlines that make up much of the parish community today.


Lowering enrollment, financial difficulties and the recalling of the sisters to New York forced Christ the King School to close in 1981. The diocesan office of education converted the school for use as a day care center, which began its operation in August 1981. That same year, Franciscan Sisters of the Atonement arrived at Christ the King Church to conduct the religious education program and other ministerial work, including assisting at the day care center. The center, still located on parish grounds, is now privately operated and continues to serve the area.


Upon the friars’ leaving High Point in 1991, Christ the King Church became a diocesan parish in December of that year. Fathers Martin Madison and John Hoover served the parish until December 1994, when Father Philip Kollithanath, was appointed to Christ the King Church. Assisting in the advancing growth of the Christ the King community have been many commissions and ministries focusing on the spiritual , educational, multicultural and evangelical dimensions of the parish. Parishioners gather to engage in Bible study , to learn English as a Second Language, to put their faith into action in the local community and to celebrate their ethnicity. A Hispanic center and bilingual religious education program provide sharing and learning opportunities for English and Spanish speaking parishioners, and the parish African-American Ministry offers outreach programs benefiting the local region. The Women’s Guild, Altar Guild, 55+ Club and Young & Spirited Group are active in parish and community services, and the evangelization commission provides for the spiritual needs of homebound parishioners through its Visitation Ministry. The community of Christ the King Church looks ahead to expansion and renovation projects that will accommodate the needs of a growing parish. One hundred and sixty-one households currently make up the parish registry.